Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Arduino to LCD Output

Today, the class worked on making the Arduino boards communicate. The boards were connected to an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) output and made to print out various short messages. As you see, we had some success with this experiment.

"Wentworth!" in big letters.

Cadet Peaden contemplated a capacitor.

The class at work. that is the wiring diagram for the Arduino/LCD interface projected on the wall.

Carlos and Lewis.

See the following post (below) for the rest of today's pictures!

Arduino to LCD Output, Continued

Captain Barr Demonstrates...

Delicate work...

Carlos shows off his wiring...

The board speaks again.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Current Projects

These are the projects that the cadets are currently working on:

Call -- LM386N Amplifier
Graham -- Fundamentals of LED Timing
Haney -- Robot Box
Keane -- Radio
Lewis -- Animation
Neil -- Radio
Peaden -- Animation
Sanchez -- Level Control
Siabatto -- 555 Oscillator Circuit
Tiller -- Radio
Trejo -- Level Control

LED Timing.

Brander wires a variable resistor to a 386 amplifier circuit.

Disassembly for parts.

We are learning to use three types of meters.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Arduino and Motor Control

Cadet Avila has been working on controlling a small motor with his Ardunio board. He has made a motor pulse rather then run steadily. This kind of device regulation is important; in more advanced applications (and with more highly developed coding) it allows precision control of numerous processes in industry, cybernetics, etc. This type of programming and hardware regulation is critical in an information-based society.

Small DC motor control is a first step to these higher level programming skills.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

LM386 Amplifier Chips

Several of the cadets are very interested in building amplifier circuits using the LM386 amplifier chip. We have a lot of creativity going on, and there have been some very clever designs explored.

New Cadet Keane on her first build.

Cadet Haney.

Cadet Graham and his amplifier circuit.

Cadet Siabatto working on a three-channel LED circuit.

The final circuit.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Projects Begin!

Today, we got most of the class up and running with their Arduinos! We were working on making the board pulse light in various ways. You can see the results...everyone was busy, and we learned a lot. Also, the class was introduced to the ALICE programming language. Their reading for tonight will be "Omnilingual."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lights On! II

Today, we expanded the projects we were working on yesterday. The Arduino boards were programmed and wired to a circuit that would flash their LED with the command from a push button switch on a circuit board.

Then they were set up to "fade" in and out.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lights On!

Today in the second period Arduino class we connected the Arduino to the PC for the first time, plugged in an LED (light emitting diode), and made the diode flash! Cadets wrote their own programming code and the light came on! We are getting ready for big things...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day Two

Today we worked on reading schematic diagrams. We corrected and discussed the previous day's assignments, and set expectations for lab time which will begin on Thursday. The cadets are very excited about what we are doing, and I have high expectations for their projects.

Cadets Heinz and Crump toast the day with a Coffee/Chocolate Milk/Sugar/hot sauce breakfast cocktail. Do these guys know how to live or what?

Call gets all worked up.

More raw excitement.

CoCo Puffs: breakfast of Arduino champions!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day One – June 14, 2010

First day of class for camp lead 2010! This was an interesting day. The cadets were issued their schedules and class got right under way.

Arduino started off with a discussion of basic electrical theory, a great deal of math, and a brief discussion of the Arduino board itself. There is a lot of homework tonight, but we are looking forward to lab time later in the week when we can work with the actual components that the lectures are about.

I will be around to see your cadets tonight during homewark time to make certain that everything is going well.

The plan for this class is that the cadets will learn a great deal of practical electrical/computer data that they can apply to their own lives and use for invention and innovation.

Now, here are the real stars of our show, your cadets:

Amber and Jamie pretending the soldering iron is plugged in.

Cadet Marco Siabatto

Cadet Haney thinking about lunch.

The entire first block Class.

See you tomorrow!


Captain Barr

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Welcome and Hello!

I am very excited about teaching your Cadet in the Wentworth Military Academy Arduino Class! This is going to be great! We call the class "Arduino" for short, but the actual name of the course is, "Inventions/Innovations."

We will learn some electronics, get some math skills, some science, build a few gadgets, and hopefully have a great time!

Please feel free to call me or write to my school email account at any time (that information will be arriving to you via email).

We will have some pictures up here and we will keep you updated with everything we are doing.

Very respectfully,
Captain Barr