Monday, June 14, 2010

Day One – June 14, 2010

First day of class for camp lead 2010! This was an interesting day. The cadets were issued their schedules and class got right under way.

Arduino started off with a discussion of basic electrical theory, a great deal of math, and a brief discussion of the Arduino board itself. There is a lot of homework tonight, but we are looking forward to lab time later in the week when we can work with the actual components that the lectures are about.

I will be around to see your cadets tonight during homewark time to make certain that everything is going well.

The plan for this class is that the cadets will learn a great deal of practical electrical/computer data that they can apply to their own lives and use for invention and innovation.

Now, here are the real stars of our show, your cadets:

Amber and Jamie pretending the soldering iron is plugged in.

Cadet Marco Siabatto

Cadet Haney thinking about lunch.

The entire first block Class.

See you tomorrow!


Captain Barr

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